Ep 19 – What Makes Email So HARD to Fix?

Like everyone else who does knowledge work, you receive a lot of emails – more than you’d like. You have harbored dreams of a world in which you could escape this hated chore, but over here in reality, there seems to be no way to alleviate the pain. Or is there?

Some people suggest that you simply ignore most of your email. Others say that you need to empty your inbox and even keep it that way all the time. In practice, most people spend more mornings, nights and weekends catching up on email than they care to admit. During the day, they prefer to do what they call “real” work. Not the fake work of reading and replying to email.

In this solo episode, I’ll be sharing my thoughts about this problem and explore new thinking that can help us make some headway.

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This episode is available on our YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/noqPv9ZoUwg

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Download a rough transcript of this episode. https://timeblockingsummit.info/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2022/10/ep-19-What-Makes-Email-So-HARD-to-Fix.pdf

Show Notes Ep 19



How executives unwittingly turn employees into morons | Business | Jamaica Gleaner (jamaica-gleaner.com) https://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20120610/business/business91.html

Thanks to Alex_MakeMusic on Pixabay for the opening and closing music.