You are a productivity enthusiast who wants to experience one improvement after another. This kind of progress is sweeet. Like dominoes falling. Or climbing from one level to the next in a challenging video game. But once you know the problem you Read More
As a productivity enthusiast, you are hooked on making improvements. For any number of reasons, you are intrigued by the idea of making progress by continually shaping your behaviors, apps and devices. For that reason you pay attention to advertisements and read Read More
So…you are thinking about registering for the Task Management & Time Blocking Virtual Summit, or maybe you have already registered. You want to make the most of the learning experience, like any growth opportunity you life presents you. But you want to Read More
There are hundreds of small ways you can improve your task management – just do a Google search. To be efficient, we want to focus our efforts on those changes which make the biggest difference, so we don’t waste time, energy and Read More
When you only had a small list of tasks it was easy to make improvements. You took your productivity in this area seriously, and you made some good changes. You expected to continue in the same vein indefinitely. However, as you moved Read More
How do you stay productive when you work for a company that puts in place a policy which changes the way you manage your tasks? You want to be as effective as possible, but if they restrict access to the task management Read More
When your task management system fails, you may feel a sense of letdown. You wanted it to work perfectly. But here you are looking at a reality you never intended. Most of us would feel some negative emotions like guilt or shame. Read More
How do you manage those tasks which you can’t control? You wish you could be completely in charge but there are some which come from life/boss/spouse/kids/the government that you don’t have a choice about. What do you do about those? Here on Read More
How do you take your task management and time blocking to the next level? With so many bits and pieces of advice out there, it should be easy to figure out a plan of improvement, or at least your next step. But Read More
Trailer for the Task Management & Time Blocking podcast with a little splash! to leave us some feedback or ask a question via text or voicenote communication to register for the March summit to join our community to Read More