Ep 4 – My Productivity is Limited By My IT Department. Help!

How do you stay productive when you work for a company that puts in place a policy which changes the way you manage your tasks? You want to be as effective as possible, but if they restrict access to the task management tools you prefer, you need some strategies to prevent unwanted mistakes from happening.

Tune into this episode of the Task Management & Time Blocking Podcast to listen to me and my special guest, Augusto Pinaud, as we solve this challenging problem together.

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This episode is available on our YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/e58oph42OPc

https://timeblockingsummit.info to register for the next Task Management & Time Blocking Summit in March

https://mightytaskers.ScheduleU.org to join our community

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Download a rough transcript of this episode. https://timeblockingsummit.info/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2022/02/Ep-4-Transcript-Augusto-Pinaud-IT-Limiting-Task-Management-Apps.docx

Show Notes Ep 4

Augusto Pinaud can be contacted here:

https://productivityvoice.com[email protected]




https://www.twitter.com/apinaud and https://twitter.com/prodvoice



Augusto Pinaud helps people create small changes that produce big impact! As a Bilingual Coach and a Nozbe Teams Specialist, his coaching practice tends to center on Personal Productivity, Organizational Productivity, the Counter-Intuitive-Nature of GTD, and some digital coaching on tools like Nozbe Teams, Todoist, OmniFocus and iPadOnly among others.

Thanks to Alex_MakeMusic on Pixabay for the opening and closing music.