Like everyone else who does knowledge work, you receive a lot of emails – more than you’d like. You have harbored dreams of a world in which you could escape this hated chore, but over here in reality, there seems to be Read More
COVID disrupted many of our regular routines, some of which have not recovered. In particular, if you work from home, you may notice that seeing the same people every day and working in the same space is quite convenient. But it’s also Read More
You have tried using contexts for your tasks in the past, perhaps following the advice of GTD. The idea was a sound one, and made a positive contribution. But as time went on, the technique seemed to lose its potency. The question Read More
If you’re interested in using online calendars you may have seen ads for the auto-scheduler called Motion. You have probably wondered what it might be like to use it, but you don’t have the time or bandwidth for a proper test. In Read More
You want to make improvements to your system of task management. You want to intervene at just the right place to have a positive overall effect, but you don’t know where to start. You already understand that you use a system to Read More
You’re a time blocker to some degree. This means you put tasks in your calendar…Not just appointments with people which can’t easily be changed, but solo time you commit to doing a particular task. In other words, you make a promise to Read More
You use lots of apps on a range of devices. Many of them have built-in notifications which are jostling for your attention. But if you leave them all on, you end up with a mess – a cacophony of alerts which do Read More
You’re someone who time blocks. A quick glance at your calendar would show that you have put some thought into each day’s plan. But what happens when you get to the end of the year and realize that you haven’t accomplished your Read More
You are someone who loves to focus on what is important in the moment. In fact, there may be few things more cherished than being in the Flow state, getting your best work done. When it’s happening, time flies by and sometimes Read More
Have you ever wondered whether or not you’re a time optimist? So you’re someone who uses time blocking as a regular technique… You put tasks in your calendar so that you can make realistic commitments. But do you still run into the Read More