You are a productivity enthusiast who isn’t new to the game of task management. You have tried a few gurus and now know that one-size-doesn’t-fit-all – either in terms of thinking, apps or physical devices.
But how do you keep learning, growing and developing, the way you used to, when you don’t have a clear, simple path to follow?
And if this question causes you to stall…that would be awful.
Come to this pre-conference webinar ready to be introduced to a framework for growth. It’s meant for mavericks – the ones who don’t follow the herd, have their own ideas and are willing to try a new approach to become more productive human beings.
The evening will be led by Francis Wade, host of the Task Management & Time Blocking Summit (and Podcast.) He’ll be joined by Mike Vardy – writer, speaker, productivity strategist, and founder of Productivityist. He is the author of The Front Nine: How to Start the Year You Want Anytime You Want and The Productivityist Playbook.
Join them in a unique discussion about surmounting the obstacles that afflict productivity enthusiasts who discover that one-size-doesn’t-fit-all, but don’t know how to approach their next phase of growth. You’ll leave with special insights that can only occur to those who are ready for the next level.
Click here to view the webinar replay.