Do you find the separation between your notes app, tasks app and reminders app jarring?
Wish you could time-block your notes, tasks and bookmarks with ease with complete visibility of your calendar and reminders.
Discover how you can tie your to-dos and reminders together seamlessly in a GTD powered workflow with time-blocking & effort-value prioritization so you can overcome procrastination and become super productive even when one size doesn’t fit all

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Presented by: Gyanendra Tripathi, Founder AlphaCtrl
Bachelor of Technology in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur (IIT KGP), India.
Worked for over a decade in the oil and gas industry at Transocean and Joulon where I managed offshore oil rig operations and large 5 year maintenance and upgrade projects with a combined value of over a 100 million USD.
In 2019, I left the oil and gas industry to pursue entrepreneurship along with my co-founder Ankur Piparsania, and we founded alphaCtrl, which develops advanced productivity software for email, notes, tasks and project planning, based on our extensive prior experience in managing people and resources, in high risk and high stakes, operations and projects.
I have previously helped write the asset management and maintenance management manual of one of the premier jack-up drilling rig contractors of the world while working at Joulon.



The app has a 30 day free trial period for all who sign-up from the provided link.